Our November meeting is 7 p.m., Tuesday, 11/12 at Hacker Lab

Cecil will be presenting about his trip last month to Oktoberfest – and will be wearing his lederhosen. Style for the evening will be porters and stouts.

Our October meeting is next Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Hacker Lab. For German night, we’ll look at rauchbier and smoked malt.

October 12 is the Rocklin Mini Maker Faire. We’ll be brewing beer there as a demo. Details on the event are at https://rocklin.makerfaire.com and it’s a free event to check out.

October 13 will be bottle sort for Celebrewtion at Tower Brewing. Entries are open until 10/11 – don’t miss out. https://celebrewtion.com

October 26 is Celebrewtion. Staff and stewards are needed. Please try to come out.

November 2 is National Learn to Brew Day. We’ll be having an event at Hacker Lab. We’ll have an all-grain and an extract batch, and a variety of systems to show different approaches.

It’s already August, and our next meeting will be in a week, Tuesday, 8/13 at Hacker Lab.

We’ll be covering beer judging scoresheets. If you have any homebrew sitting around that you’ve been wanting some feedback on, bring it and we can go through the sheet and score them together. The style is wild and sour beers, but bring anything you’d like!

Here’s a link to a beer scoresheet.

Our May meeting will be Tuesday, 5/14 at 7 p.m. at Hacker Lab.

Our style for the evening will be lagers, and there will be a presentation on brewing software for recipe creation.

We will also launch a new club brewing competition.

Our March meeting will take a look at beer and food pairings with a presentation from Jackie including beers paired with Girl Scout cookies.

The style for the evening is U.K. beers, and we’ll pair one with cookies. 

The meeting is at Hacker Lab’s new location, 2533 R Street, at 7 p.m. on March 12. 

Our February meeting will be the first meetup at the Hacker Lab’s new location, 2533 R Street at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 12.

Our style for the evening is ciders and meads, and we’ll try a few examples.

Pitching enough healthy yeast is a key to making good beer. Our educational topic for the night is a discussion of yeast pitch rates and starters, with some demonstrations from Manny and Rob. We’ll also harvest some dregs, and there will be some yeast and starter wort to take home.

Happy new year everybody!

Our January meeting will be next Tuesday, January 8 at 7 p.m. in the conference room at Hacker Lab.

The style for the evening is strong ales, but we’ll be doing a tasting of the Resilience IPA local breweries. Bring your own examples!

We’ll also do the draw for White Elephant Iron Brewer. The idea is you’ll bring a special ingredient to be used in a beer, in a bag or something. We’ll do a selection process similar to a white elephant gift exchange (with stealing). This will be a club competition with judging in March.

Hacker Lab is in downtown Sacramento at 1715 I St, Sacramento, CA 95811. There are a few parking spots in front of the building and lots of street parking in the area. 

Our December meeting is tomorrow, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. at Hacker Lab.

Our style for the evening is spice, herb, and vegetable beers, and we’ll have a few examples. We also have the annual holiday party next Sunday – please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Hacker Lab is in downtown Sacramento at 1715 I St, Sacramento, CA 95811. There are a few parking spots in front of the building, and lots of street parking in the area.

Time for our October meeting, which will be at a new location – hopefully one that will work for a while. The meeting is Tuesday 10/9, at 7 p.m.

The new location is the conference room at Hacker Lab, in downtown Sacramento. The address is 1715 I St, Sacramento, CA 95811. There are a few parking spots in front of the building, and lots of street parking in the area. Hacker Lab is happy to have us, and this new room has a projector and screen, A/C, and should not be too loud. We’re next door to Easy on I, and a block away from Capital Hop Shop.

It’s German night for this meeting, and we’ll have some appropriate samples.

See you there!